America’s #1 Pelvic Healer’s Head-Turning Confession:

“My Dry, Inflamed, Itchy ‘Lady Parts’ Almost Ended My Marriage! Please, Don’t Let It End Yours Too…

“…Here’s How To Use New Breakthrough ‘Intra-Cell Feeding’ Technology To Naturally Restore Your Yoni From The Inside Out – Without Dangerous Hormones, Lasers, or Invasive Injections”

Isa hero image

“My tissues felt like acid had been thrown on them. I would bleed when I wiped and had pain when I sat down. The skin of my prolapse was also very irritated and red. [But now], I finally feel like my tissues are improving, and that constant burning feeling is gone. For the first time, I feel hopeful.” – Marie L.


What the $60 billion dollar personal care industry doesn’t want you to know.


Hi, my name is Isa Herrera…

And if you’d have told me that – at just 41 years young – I’d be flung head first into early menopause...

With ‘downstairs dryness’ so itchy and painful that lovemaking with my hubby felt like rubbing two sheets of sandpaper together...

I’d have replied, “you’re crazy, there’s no way!”

Except, that’s exactly what happened.

From the very moment my beautiful baby was born almost 20 years ago…

I started to go through some of the worst “downstairs” pain I’d ever experienced in my life.

The kind of pain that, maybe, you’ve been able to relate to…

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Everyday self-care like wiping hurt so bad peeing became almost impossible…

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My thin, red and inflamed *tissue* was accompanied with an embarrassing, fishy-odor…

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And the mere thought of intimacy with my partner would send every limb of my body into full-cringe-mode.

It was a nightmare I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.

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It felt like my entire world was crashing down…

And truthfully? It was.

Because my embarrassment and shame bled over into my marriage too.

See, I love my husband…

He’s my everything; the kind of man you dreamt about marrying as a kid…

Kind… loving… ambitious…

Someone who always makes you feel safe and protected…

But after you-know-what started to happen – our love life took a massive hit.

I just couldn’t grin and bear the scratchy-intimacy anymore…

And he felt “unloved, “rejected, “emasculated…”

I tried to reassure him none of that was true – but deep down, he just couldn’t believe it…

And the strong, unshakable-bond between us slowly began to unravel – pulling us further and further apart.

I couldn’t let my ‘lady parts’ ruin our marriage...

So I had to find a way to rejuvenate my lady parts and get rid of the dryness for good.

And believe me, I tried everything…

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Whacky fad diets…

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Guzzling down gallons of water everyday…

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An entire kegel workout regime…

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Crazy internet protocols (yogurt-soaked tampons? What?!)…

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A laundry-list of estrogen-boosting pills, gels, creams, patches and suppositories…

Nothing helped.

And even though I’d heard so many horror stories from my girlfriends – I even started to consider HRT.

I felt inadequate... broken... like I was a terrible partner.

But even though I knew most women’s issues – especially menopausal ones – get pushed under the rug...

I thought, there must be another way…

A way for thousands of incredible women like you to not have to suffer in silence anymore…

Because they’ve got access to new technology that restarts moisture production and libido at the source.

The today show

See, just as I was about to give up my search and settle for the suffering...

I came across an incredible discovery.

A discovery that was so life-changing it drove me to publish 5 books on women’s pelvic health...

With appearances on Tv shows like The Today Show, MTV True Life, and Regis and Kelly just to spread my message to as many women as I possibly could...

And a discovery that has now helped over 15,000 beautiful women like you to address the real reason for ‘downstairs dryness’.

Because through my research I realized that there were real, science-backed ingredients that didn’t mask the symptoms...

But – when combined with something called intra-cell feeding – they actually feed our *v* tissue cells with nutrients that literally tell it to: “produce moisture!”...

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So you can fully embrace being menopausal or perimenopausal…

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Enjoy connecting with your partner on an intimate level again…

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Not fear those dreaded moments when you’ve got to sneeze in public…
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Get rid of that insistent need to scratch yourself like crazy…

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Be able to sit through a show without thinking about your bladder…

And the best part?

It’s got absolutely nothing to do with synthetic hormones, HRT, injections, or expensive rejuvenation laser therapies.

Let me explain…

You probably already know that when you reach perimenopause, your body begins to make preparations to stop ovulating…

Which means that your ovaries slow down the production of estrogen and other hormones…

And it’s this loss of essential hormones that starts to trigger a whole host of the uncomfortable symptoms, such as…

  • Hot flashes…
  • Weight gain…
  • Night sweats…
  • Brain fog…
  • Headaches and migraines…
  • Insomnia…
  • Bone loss…
  • Low mood and energy…
  • High cholesterol…
  • High blood pressure…
Tummy ache

And of course, this is also the time when ‘downstairs’ symptoms begin too…

  • Thin, dry and fragile internal tissues…
  • A constant itchy, burning sensation…
  • Weak orgasms…
  • Loss of libido…
  • Scratchy-pain when being intimate…
  • Decreased moisture and sensation…
  • Numbness…
  • Tense pelvic floor muscles…
  • Pelvic congestion…
  • Frequent UTIs…

It’s all because of our declining estrogen and hormone levels!

Hormone levels

And I know… it’s totally unfair.

But it happens to all of us once we gracefully-reach that certain point in life.

Except, here’s where most women – including myself – go wrong…

Common Mistake #1:
Suffer In Silence And Hope For The Best

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After the birth of my daughter almost 20 years ago: under the guise of my doctors, this was the option I opted for.

I thought the smart, noble thing to do was to just wait it out.

Because I was told by doctors that all the pain I was experiencing was just a “normal part of aging”.

And the thing is, when you can accept that your body is aging and you choose to celebrate that fact – it’s a beautiful thing…

But that also doesn’t mean you have to go quietly into the night, either. This isn’t our mother’s menopause any more ladies.

You were meant to live a life full of joy, pleasure, and happiness – and it’s impossible to do that if your *v* is constantly on fire.

So if you feel dry, itchy and loose down there, or you’re sprinting to the bathroom every hour…

Please, I’m urging you to avoid the mistake of pushing this down in the hopes it’ll go away on its own.

It won’t.

Your body won’t magically start producing more estrogen for your tired and weary tissues down there.

And anyway, there’s no reason to suffer in silence like our mothers did anymore…

Because as you’ll see in just a moment – intra-cell feeding replenishes *v* cells with the nutrients it’s been crying out for…

And makes it feel younger, tighter, more elastic and hydrated than you ever thought it could be – without toxic side effects.

Which brings me onto the next common mistake I see constantly…

Common Mistake #2:
Therapies, Lasers, Injections, and Gadgets

Doctors tools

There’s a brand new wave of “V” therapies emerging – often (over) promising the world to us…

Lasers, radiofrequency treatments, injections, vaginoplasty; they all sound great on paper…

But as a Pelvic Floor PT, with years of experience – I’ve treated hundreds of women who’ve come to my clinic after undergoing these treatments…

And almost all of them have suffered very serious, sometimes irreversible side-effects (not to mention the medical bills).

Laser energy therapy for example can cause burns and scars…

Radiofrequency treatment can even damage the tissue surrounding the vagina by overheating it…

Vaginoplasty is another one – it’s a major surgery with a boat-load of risks, such as infection and blood clots.

And given the severe risks associated with all of these procedures – I do NOT recommend any of them to a single patient I treat at the clinic or consult with online.

And even the options deemed “safer”, like electromagnetic frequency therapy…

Again, I just can’t recommend it.

The scientific literature is too sparse for us to risk putting EMF gadgets into our delicate lady-parts.

Which leads me onto the final, and often most-damaging common mistake I see…

Common Mistake #3:
Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)


I’m going to get a bit controversial here, but it’s for the greater good.

A short story: not long ago, HRT was a standard of care for menopausal women.

But then shocking-research came out that suggested there were serious health risks that weren’t previously considered (surprise).

Heart disease, stroke, breast cancer – as news of these risks spread after the large clinical trial was published – HRT fell out of favor.

However, more recently, we’ve begun to understand why these awful health risks develop after HRT…

Your pre-existing risk for breast cancer; your age; how long you use it; whether or not the HRT is estrogen alone; whether the HRT is combined with progestin… (2,3)

Or in other words: how well can you handle the tidal-wave of estrogen that HRT floods into the body?

Yes, replacing estrogen in your body is helpful for reducing vaginal dryness…

But, there is a massive misconception that we need to fill our whole body with estrogen to get these benefits…

We don’t, and it’s downright dangerous for us to keep thinking so.

Because now there’s a much better, safer way to rejuvenate and restore your vagina’s moisture-producing nutrients…

By getting estrogen-boosting ingredients into our vagina, without them leaking into the rest of our bodies causing havoc…

And, more importantly, without the need for surgery, artificial hormones, or wacky therapies.


“Intra-Cell Feeding”:
The New Way to Restore Your Lady Parts

Just to recap…

Remember how I said that when your body hits menopause, your estrogen levels decline…

And that’s what causes all the problems “down there”?

Well, there’s actually a way to encourage estrogen production at only the vaginal level…

Which means that you can keep the estrogen in one area of your body: your vagina.

So instead of artificial-estrogen coursing through your entire body causing things like…

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Constant sickness…

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Vaginal bleeding…

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Leg cramps…

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Breast tenderness and swelling…

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Headaches, migraines…

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Acidic indigestion…

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Swelling in other parts of the body…

Intra-Cell Feeding technology keeps all the estrogen where it matters most…

Replenishing and lubricating the heck out of your *v* with moisture-producing nutrients (and even boosts your libido in the process).

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Other Solutions

Increases estrogen

Intra-cell Feeding

Boosts estrogen

And the coolest thing?

You can combine intra-cell feeding technology with completely natural, plant-based ingredients…

Which means you can stimulate your “v” cells to produce estrogen effectively, and, most importantly, naturally.

It’s like trying to grow your back-yard into an extraordinary lush green landscape…

You and your “v” need specific, science-backed nutrients for optimal tissue healing, lubrication, and a healthy sex drive…

But for the longest time people have thought they need to flood the whole body with these nutrients…


If there was a little fire in just one room of a house, you wouldn’t hose-down the entire thing would you?!

So please, grab a pen and paper and carry on reading…

Because here are science-backed, plant-based, non-gmo, organic ingredients that keep your “v” moist, lubricated, and – tell your hubby to brace himself – totally frictionless.

But before I’d ever recommend these to anyone, online or in the clinic…

I made sure they’re safe, backed behind multiple peer-reviewed clinical studies…

And have tested them personally on my own dry, inflamed *tissue* to be double sure they’re safe and effective.

And believe me…

These ingredients completely erased the pain that I – and all of my once-hopeless patients – was suffering through…

And ultimately, transformed my shaky-marriage into one filled with deep, incredible intimacy and connection again.

The first you may have already heard of…


Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid has a unique ability to retain water (up to 1000X its own weight!). Which is great news for a moisture-depleted vulva, vagina, urethra, and bladder. Several studies have compared internal estriol treatment head-to-head with hyaluronic acid treatment – and hyaluronic acid has been shown to be just as effective!

For women who can’t – or don’t want to – use hormone therapies, hyaluronic acid is a match made in heaven. (17,18,19,20,21,22,23)

DHEA (From Wild Yam) (Organic + Non-GMO)

DHEA is an essential building block of both estrogen and testosterone (women need testosterone, too!). Which are two hormones that play a critical role in hormone production, sex-drive and mood.

But, you guessed it: As you age, DHEA production decreases and your lady parts suffer as a result.

That’s the bad news.

The good news is that when you use DHEA directly inside your “v”, it gets into the bloodstream rapidly and starts to naturally replenish your essential hormones. So don’t be surprised if you feel your libido rise almost instantly.

And, in addition to rekindling your love life, DHEA also makes your *tissue* feel supple and soft again. (27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36)

Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice (Organic + Non-GMO)

Aloe is a well-known skin healer. But what most don’t know is that it also contains phytoestrogens, which can naturally support vaginal health, too.

Phytoestrogens are plant-based sources of estrogen that work in harmony with your body to help “make up” for the natural loss of estrogen that occurs in menopause.

These phytoestrogens can be a phenomenal alternative to typical hormone treatments. In fact, one recent, randomized, double-blinded study (the gold standard of clinical research) showed aloe can be just as effective as estrogen creams for atrophy down there. (7,8,9,10,11,12)

Theobroma Cacao (Cocoa) Seed Butter (Organic + Non-GMO)

Theobroma seed butter is rich, decadent, and loaded with things that are great for your skin: fatty acids, minerals, Vitamin E, and polyphenols – they all support skin elasticity and rejuvenate weary tissues.

Cocoa butter is also excellent at stabilizing emulsions, which means when combined with other ingredients, it gives the formulation a rich, creamy, luxurious texture. (4,5,6)

Rosa Damascena (Rose) Water (Organic + Non-GMO)

Rose water: because of its high amount of several polyphenolic compounds, this delicately fragranced natural powerhouse can calm irritated tissues like no other.

However, don’t be fooled by its well-deserved soothing reputation, because it also acts as a rock-solid defense against chemical invaders that cause itching and infections down there. (1,2,3)

Oenothera Biennis (Evening Primrose) Oil (Organic + Non-GMO)

Evening primrose oil is chock full of essential fatty acids that help make your vagina feel moist and creamy. And it’s also another well-known plant-based source of estrogen.

Plant estrogens are so helpful when we try to replenish the estrogen-holes our menopausal body struggles to fill. Just this alone will make such a huge difference to your skin down there. (37,38,39)

Cocos Nucifera (Coconut) Oil (Organic + Non-GMO)

Prized for its supreme silky smoothness, coconut oil is loaded with lauric acid, which helps keep your vaginal flora nice and balanced.

So while it’s defending against imbalance-causing microbes down there, it’s incredible texture will also help your *v* to retain the hydration the other ingredients have produced. (13,14,15,16)

Dioscorea Villosa (Wild Yam) Root Extract (Organic + Non-GMO)

Wild yam’s been prized for centuries for its female-forward, estrogenic properties and helps to support healthy levels of estrogen and decreases inflammation. And as an added bonus, it’s got a stellar reputation for supporting overall health, too! (24,25,26)

Tocopherol (Vit. E) (Organic + Non-GMO)

PBoard-certified dermatologists have raved about vitamin E for over 50 years, and for good reason.

It’s a powerful antioxidant, and this plant-based nutrient has been proven time and time again to restore and nourish dry, itchy skin to its former soft moist glory. (40,41)

Phew, ok…

I know that was a lot, and I hope you’ve got that note-pad full of notes.

But… I have a tiny confession to make…

To formulate all of these ingredients together yourself would be almost impossible…

From a manufacturing stand-point, but also a safety one…

Because there’s no telling what level of quality you’re getting unless you have the means to go straight to the source.

And even if you do, you’d be looking to foot a 5-figure bill just to get your formula stable enough for your *v* to handle.

That’s why I formulated this for you, and the thousands of women who’ll come after you…

So finally, you can have natural relief from “v” dryness, itching and pain – without any of the risks.

See: most of the popular v-moisturizers and balms out there are just a bunch of ingredients with no REAL science behind them…

Many, if not most, serums on the market currently only contain one or maybe two of the most important “v” supporting ingredients.

And here’s a dirty secret they won’t tell you…

The popular brands in the self-care industry only ever add tiny trace amounts of their “hero” ingredient(s)…

And the rest? Fillers, chemicals and toxic junk.

But worst of all…

They’re always missing the intra-cell feeding technology from their formulas (if this is the first time you’re hearing about it – that’s a sign)…

Because it’s expensive to manufacture *v*-care products that actually keep the key nutrients where you need them the most…

Making sure there’s no risk of any excess-estrogen or other hormones getting to places where they could harm you.

It’s called profits over people.

Which is why I set out to give women an alternative to the “self-care” industry…

An industry mostly run by cash-hungry male executives who literally couldn’t give a d*mn about women’s issues!

So I put together a list of all the potent v-rejuvenating ingredients we’ve gone through today…

Sourced from the best non-gmo sources, grown in chemical and pesticide free soil…

Formulated by industry-leading scientists, with suppliers and laboratories from all across the country…

So you could have each intra-cell ingredient at the safest, most-potent doses – with all the health benefits and NONE of the downsides.

The truth is…

I hit the jackpot with my team of scientists and doctors.

And we couldn’t be more proud and excited to present…


Total Fem Re-Juvenator Serum
Finally! An Innovative, The only *v-friendly* serum a gracefully-aging woman needs.

Product bottles

Balance your hormones, rejuvenate your dry tissue, and boost libido – without any risks or side effects.

*Now with Intra-Cell Feeding Technology.

Inside each bottle of Total Fem Re-Juvenator Serum are the most-potent bioavailable forms of the 9 *v*-boosting ingredients…

All working synergistically with intra-cell feeding technology to stimulate estrogen production only inside the vagina.

Which means you just need a small amount to start to experience massive benefits.

We keep it simple, potent, and effective.

Just imagine for a second…

A life where intimacy isn’t painful anymore…

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Where your brand new “v” makes you feel sizzling hot and sexy – and feels incredible for both you and your partner…

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Where you have eye-widening sensation back down there, paired with a revved-up libido…

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Where those once-inflamed tissues are soothed and don’t itch anymore…

What could that do for your marriage… your passion for life… your confidence?

I know what it did for mine, my husband can’t keep his hands off of me and I love every minute of it!

Believe me, it’s all possible now thanks to the intra-cell feeding technology inside Total Fem Re-Juvenator Serum.

But before I tell you how to get your hands on this incredible formula…

Here’s a few things you need to know:

First, remember that this is an internal serum.

So once you get your bottles, make a daily habit of applying and massaging it to the inside of your *v* wall.

Thanks to intra-cell feeding technology – this will allow the nutrients to create a local effect on your feminine tissues…

And will support total vaginal health, hydration, and rejuvenation from the inside out.

Before applying, make sure to thoroughly wash your hands…

And then apply internally two times a day, once in the morning and once in the evening.

For the first three months, we recommend two pumps a day, twice a day.

As soon as you start to experience the desired result – you can then decrease the number of pumps to 1 time per day for maintenance.

Consistency is the most important thing to achieve your desired results:

Less dryness, more moisture, enhanced libido, healthier tissues, more internal elasticity, and better vaginal health

So never forget to apply, especially for those first three months.

This serum has become a pride of place inside of my Madison Avenue clinic…

And from the numerous women that I’ve treated with it, three months seems to be the golden number for a complete “v” transformation.

And if you feel a slight tingly sensation – don’t worry, that’s just the amazing ingredients activating inside of your tissue…

First three months

It feels amazing.

And I just can’t wait for that very first time…

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When you get to the end of your day and you haven’t had to scratch once…

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There was no fear of an embarrassing post-sneeze leakage…

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You could actually think about something other than your bladder for once!

I promise you – now that you’ve got Total Fem Re-Juvenator Serum – all of that is so much closer than you think…

Because me, my patients at the clinic, and the hundreds of happy online-customers are all living proof.

Like Lena! Who said,

“My symptoms of a UTI were so severe that they kept me awake at night and caused great pain in the daytime – the urologists had been through every test imaginable, but none showed anything wrong. My girlfriend recommended that I try [Total Fem Re-Juvenator Serum]…and after just seven days of applying it, my bladder feels great and my tissues [look and feel] less red and irritated.

Testimonial 1

Nancie S, who thought things “down there” would never be the same after her surgery…

She wrote in after trying the Re-Juvenator Serum to say,

“After my surgery, I felt dry and had so much pain with intimacy. I even developed a strange smell that doctors said was not an infection. I feared intimacy and avoided any contact with my husband. I got an email about the Re-Juvenator Serum and decided to try it. It felt soothing the moment I applied. My insides feel moist, my skin is not as red and angry, and I feel my libido again. Plus, it’s organic, and doesn’t irritate at all.”

Testimonial 2

And Marie L, she had a hysterectomy when she was in her 40’s and was in serious pain…

She needed help urgently – so I gave her the Re-Juvenator serum to try before we released it to market, and she said,

“My tissues felt like acid had been thrown on them. I would bleed when I wiped and had pain when I sat down. The skin of my prolapse was also very irritated and red. Isa gave me the Re-Juvenator serum [to try and] I cannot believe the changes in my tissues. I finally feel like my tissues are improving, and that constant burning feeling is gone. For the first time, I feel hopeful.”

Testimonial 3

And listen: Those women are just 3 of the current 15,000+ *v*-success stories I’ve seen…

Which is why I’m so confident you’ll experience the same – if not better! – results as those wonderful girls.

Because intra-cell feeding just works, for every single woman, from every background and walk of life.


I appreciate that if you’re like most of us – you’ve heard all those promises online before…

And you’ve got no way of truly knowing whether or not this will work for you…

Which is why our Re-Juvenator serum is backed behind an iron-clad, no-questions-asked, 60-DAY money-back guarantee!

Money back

That means you’ve got a full two months to try this out on OUR dime.

Because if you don’t feel like your “v” is more youthful, moist and supple than it’s been in years…

You don’t feel like this incredible serum has wound back the clock on your *v* and your marriage…

And you don’t feel completely gobsmacked by how fast your “downstairs” issues have improved…

All you have to do is:

Simply send a message to our customer-support email (it’ll be on your e-receipt)…

Let us know that you want a full-refund on your order…

We’ll arrange for you to send all your bottles back (empty, full, used, or unused!)...

And the very moment they arrive back at our warehouse – you'll get every single cent you pay today back into your account.

No questions asked, and certainly no extra charges.

Bottom line?

You’re risking absolutely nothing by trying our Re-juvenator serum out today.


When you – and your hubby – do experience all of the incredible benefits of Intra-Cell feeding technology…

Along with our potent, proprietary blend of natural moisture-boosting ingredients…

You’re going to be so, so glad you made the right decision to listen to your gut today.

So please, add this organic, non-GMO, estrogen-and-paraben-free, GMP-certified serum to your life today.

Just simply click or tap the “BUY NOW!” button below…

And you’ll be taken straight to our secure SSL-encrypted Shopify store.

SSL encryption is the same level of security that major online retailers like use…

So you can be confident knowing your information is secure and fully protected.

And as a thank you for taking the time to read this message today…

We’re offering massive savings on a 3-month’s supply to every woman who says “yes” to a more happy-v future today.

Which means…


You can have the optimal supply of serum needed for a total *v* make-over – at the most cost-effective price possible, and…


You won’t have to worry about coming back to this page later only to find that we’ve gone out of stock or reinstated the regular price.

So please, do the right thing for you, your future happiness and the love in your life…

Click or tap the “BUY NOW” button below and add this heavily discounted supply of Re-Juvenator Serum to your order today – risk and worry-free.

And remember: You’ve got a full 60-days to prove me right!


And, You’ll Be Helping Me To Give Back! We Support She’s The First & Donate A Portion Of Every Bottle To This Award-Winning Organization

We’re proud to partner with some very special organizations doing important work. When you purchase any Rootganic product, you’ll be helping us support She’s the First, an award-winning international non-profit organization that provides scholarships to girls in low-income countries around the world, supporting them as they become the first in their families to graduate from high school.

Since I was the first in my family to graduate high school (and college), this cause is very near and dear to my heart. Oh – and 100% of the money donated to She’s the First reaches the recipient.

Group of women

To your “v”-happiness,

Isa Herrera

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions [FAQ’s]

  • Q: What is the difference between the External Down There Oil and The Internal Total Fem Rejuvenator Serum?

    First, the Down There Oil and Total Fem Rejuvenator Serum are complimentary and can be used simultaneously. They make an excellent pair for women suffering from lady parts issues.

    The Down There Oil is for EXTERNAL use only and works fantastic on inflamed, dry vulva tissues (anal tissue, too) and helps to restore PH and keep unwanted yeast away. This incredible oil hydrates external tissues and restores their health.*

    The Total Fem Rejuvenator Serum is for INTERNAL use. It works on the root cause of “V” dryness, looseness, and pain by creating LOCAL “V” estrogen and testosterone through intracrinology or intra-cell feeding. This serum hydrates, moisturizers, and improves tone from the inside out*

  • Q: What makes Total Fem Re-Juvenator Serum more effective for women than other V- Dryness serums?

    The Total Fem Re-Juvenator Serum contains the most researched ingredients on the planet that have been used by women for thousands of years. The hormone-producing properties of the herbs, DHEA, and their ability to keep mimicking estrogen— coupled with their potency, make Total Fem Hormone Balance the perfect solution for any woman who wants to feel her best as she enters a new hormonal phase as she ages.

    For instance, when these herbs and ingredients are combined, they help women come back home feeling more vibrant, calm, and clear-headed, leaving behind menopause dryness, pain, UTI, and lack of libido.

  • Q: How Does The Total Fem Re-Juvenator Serum Work?

    Once you get your Re-Juvenator, you must make it a daily habit of applying and massaging it to the inside of the v@ginal muscles. The internal application creates a local effect on your feminine tissues supporting total vaginal health through a process called intracrinology. Intracrinology is the new science of feeding your cells what they need so they can be healthy and young. You will immediately feel a sense of comfort and confidence you haven’t felt in years.

  • Q: How Often Should I Apply Total Fem Re-Juvenator Serum?

    You can apply the Total Fem Re-Juvenator Serum internally two times a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. We recommend two pumps two times a day for three months or until desired results — then you can decrease the number of pumps to 1 time per day for maintenance.

    Consistency is the most important thing to achieve your desired results: less dryness, more moisture, enhanced libido, healthier tissues, more internal elasticity, and better vaginal health. So never forget to apply, especially in the first three months.

    Please wash your hands thoroughly before applying it.

  • Q: Does Total Fem Re-Juvenator Serum contain any known endocrine-disrupting chemicals?

    We only want the best ingredients to touch your intimate skin. Our Total Fem Re-Juvenator Serum contains no parabens, no phthalates, no estrogen, no hormones, and no pesticides. As a matter of fact, all the ingredients except for the Hyaluronic Acid and DHEA are organic, because those could not be organic to begin with.

  • Q. Does Total Fem Re-Juvenator contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs)?

    Our Total Fem Re-Juvenator Serum contains no GMO products. As a matter of fact, all of the main ingredients except for Hyaluronic acid are made organically and science-backed to support moisture, elasticity, and smoothness.

  • Q: Is Total Fem Re-Juvenator gluten-free?

    Yes, Re-Juvenator is gluten-free.

  • Q: Who shouldn’t use the Total Fem Re-Juvenator Serum?

    As with any other supplement, you should consult with your MD, Naturopath, or other local caregivers before combining medications with natural supplements or serums.

    • If you’ve had breast cancer or are being treated for breast cancer, consult with your oncologist and MD before starting this product.
    • (“The data shows that the intravaginal administration of DHEA permits to rapidly achieve the local beneficial effects against vaginal atrophy without significant changes in serum estrogens, thus avoiding the increased risk of breast cancer associated with the current intravaginal or systemic estrogenic formulations” (Pieta, see below).
    • If you have a vaginal infection, please see your MD before using this product.
    • If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, please consult your caregiver before using this product.

    If you are taking the prescription drug Tamoxifen, please consult with your doctor before using this product.
    (Vaginal DHEA is thought to be safe for women on aromatase inhibitors. There is a study currently being conducted by the University of Arkansas “Vaginal Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) in Postmenopausal Breast Cancer Survivors on Aromatase Inhibitors.” It will be interesting to see the results. )

    Source: Pięta W, Smolarczyk R. Vaginal dehydroepiandrosterone compared to other methods of treating vaginal and vulvar atrophy associated with menopause. Prz Menopauzalny. 2020 Dec;19(4):195-199. doi: 10.5114/pm.2020.101943. Epub 2021 Jan 7. PMID: 33488333; PMCID: PMC7812532.

  • Q: If I’m already taking HRT, can I use the Total Fem Re-Juvenator Serum Supplement?

    As with any other supplement, you should consult with your MD, Naturopath, or other local caregivers before combining medications with natural supplements. Many women realize they want a safer choice for their perimenopause, menopausal and post-menopausal symptoms. They know that the Total Fem Rejuvenator Serum supplement is researched-based (see below) and potent for their female needs, so they switch to it to avoid the side effects and risk of HRT and medications.

  • Q: I've had breast cancer, can I take this product?

    If you’ve had breast cancer or are being treated for breast cancer, consult with your oncologist and MD before starting this product or any new supplement.

    “The data show that the intravaginal administration of DHEA permits to rapidly achieve the local beneficial effects against vaginal atrophy without significant changes in serum estrogens, thus avoiding the increased risk of breast cancer associated with the current intravaginal or systemic estrogenic formulations” (Pieta).

    Pięta W, Smolarczyk R. Vaginal dehydroepiandrosterone compared to other methods of treating vaginal and vulvar atrophy associated with menopause. Prz Menopauzalny. 2020 Dec;19(4):195-199. doi: 10.5114/pm.2020.101943. Epub 2021 Jan 7. PMID: 33488333; PMCID: PMC7812532.

    I’m taking the drug Tamoxifen. Can I use this product?

    If you are taking the Tamoxifen prescription, please consult with your doctor before using this product or any new supplement.

    Vaginal DHEA is thought to be safe for women on aromatase inhibitors. There is a study currently being conducted by the University of Arkansas, “Vaginal Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) in Postmenopausal Breast Cancer Survivors on Aromatase Inhibitors.” It will be interesting to see the results, and we will keep you posted, but please do your own research as well and consult with your MD

  • Q: Why do we do what we do?
    The pride my team and I feel when reading through our success stories is unlike anything else. It’s so empowering to know that we have already helped > 15,000 women find relief from pelvic issues and change their lives for the better with my online programs and Rootganic Supplements.
  • Q: What makes our Total Fem Re-Juvenator Serum so unique and potent?

    Total Fem Re-Juventor Serum contains a proprietary blend of synergistically blended DHEA, Hyaluronic Acid, Evening Primrose, and Wild Yam, which have been extensively backed by research to help bring hydration and moisture by a process called cell feeding (intracrinlogy). The truth is that when we give our lady parts the food (our formula is plant-based) and nourishment it needs, it stays healthy and vibrant for the long run.

  • Q: How will this product be shipped to me, and how quickly?

    You can expect your order within 5 to 7 business days for all United States and Canada orders. International orders typically take 8 to 15 business days (plus customs clearance times). Please note, we have not control over international customs for your country. We are not responsible nor do we have any control if your country charges a tariff or tax.

  • Q: Is it safe to order this product from this online website?

    Yes. Our website is fully AES 256-Bit encrypted and protected by Trust-Guard, an online PCI Compliant Security Scanner software that prohibits security holes from compromising your shopping experience. The Security-Scanned seal is intended to inform shoppers that our business is certified and trusted as safe, responsible, and totally awesome.

  • Q: Does it matter when I apply it (morning or night?) Can I apply it prior to intercourse?

    You can apply the cream 2 times a day morning and evening. Yes you can also apply prior to intercourse but wait one hour until the cream is absorbed into the tissues. The best part of the Total Fem Re-Juvenator Serum is that it does not contain any estrogen and is hormone free.

  • Q: How long should my bottle of Total Fem Re-Juvenator last?

    Your bottle of Re-Juvenator should last for 30 days when you apply 2 pumps 2 times a day which is the recommended dose. You should use the Re-Juvenator for a minimum of three months to get the full benefit of moisture, hydration and libido effects. Our recommendation is that you subscribe so you never run out.

  • Q: Can I place Re-Juvenator inside the v@ginal canal?

    Yes. Re-Juvenator is for internal use only and it works on the new science of intracrinology where your cells produce what they need from the foods and ingredients in the Total Fem Re-Juvenator Serum.

  • Q: Does Re-Juvenator Serum contain any known endocrine-disrupting chemicals?

    We only want the best ingredients to touch your intimate skin. Our Re-Juvenator Serum contains no parabens, phthalates, estrogen, hormones, or pesticides. All the ingredients except for the Hyaluronic Acid and DHEA are organically grown.

  • Q: Does Re-Juvenator contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs)?

    Our Re-Juvenator Serum serum contains no GMO products. All main ingredients except Hyaluronic Acid and DHEA are made organically and science back to support moisture, elasticity, and smoothness.

  • Q: What if this product doesn’t work for me?

    Many of our customers begin to see and feel a difference shortly after adding our Total Fem Re-Juvenator Serum into their self-care routines. We want to ensure there’s absolutely no risk involved when investing in any of our Rootganic products.

    That’s why you can try our science-backed Total Fem Re-Juvenator Serum for an entire 60 days, and if for any reason you’re not completely satisfied with it, please contact our Customer Care team, and you will receive a full refund. So you can trust that you can complete your order today knowing that you’re protected by our risk-free money-back guarantee.

  • Q: Can Re-Juvenator be used during my period?


  • Q: Can using Total Fem Re-Juvenator cause a delay in my menstrual cycle onset?

    Unlike oral DHEA supplements, intravaginal DHEA has been shown to mainly act locally to improve symptoms. It is therefore unlikely to cause menstrual disruptions for most women. Consult your health professional if you have delayed menses while using this product.

  • Q: What is the recommended use for Total Fem Re-Juvenator Serum?

    Apply 2 pumps 1-2 times daily, internally in the vaginal canal.

  • Q: What is the percentage of DHEA in Total Fem Re-Juvenator?

    Total Fem Re-Juvenator contains 0.5% DHEA that is made from wild yams.

  • Q: What is the percentage of Hyaluronic Acid in Total Fem Re-Juvenator Serum?

    Total Fem Re-Juvenator Serum contains 0.5% Hyaluronic Acid

  • Q: Do you have the research you used to develop Total Fem re-Juvenator Serum?

    You bet we do… Evidence-based all the way.

    1. “[PDF] Assessment of Rose Water and Evaluation of Antioxidant and ….” 20 Mar. 2019,
    2. “Antioxidant and potential anti-inflammatory activity of extracts and ….” 13 Oct. 2011,
    3. “Skin anti‐inflammatory activity of rose petal extract (Rosa gallica ….”
    4. “Cocoa Bioactive Compounds: Significance and Potential for … – NCBI.”
    5. “Cocoa polyphenols and their influence on parameters involved in ex ….”
    6. “(PDF) Benefits of Theobroma cacao and Its Phytocompounds as ….” 1 Aug. 2022,
    7. “Aloe Vera; A new treatment for atrophic vaginitis, A randomized ….” 24 Apr. 2021,
    8. “Aloe Vera Gel Research Review | Natural Medicine Journal.” 16 Jan. 2014,
    9. “The effects of Aloe Vera sap on progesterone, estrogen and ….”
    10. “In vitro and in silico study of Aloe vera leaf extract against human ….”
    11. “Aloe Vera: A Valuable Ingredient for the Food, Pharmaceutical and ….” 10 Aug. 2010,
    12. “Evaluation of biological properties and clinical effectiveness of Aloe ….”
    13. “In vitro anti-inflammatory and skin protective properties of Virgin ….” 17 Jan. 2018,
    14. “Final report on the safety assessment of Cocos nucifera (coconut) oil ….”
    15. “Treatment of Dermal Infections With Topical Coconut Oil.” 7 May. 2014,
    16. “The effect of topical virgin coconut oil on SCORAD index ….” 10 Dec. 2013,
    17. “Hyaluronic acid: A key molecule in skin aging – PMC – NCBI.”
    18. “Hyaluronic Acid: A Valid Therapeutic Option for Early Management ….” 13 Aug. 2022,
    19. “Hyaluronic Acid in Postmenopause Vaginal Atrophy – PubMed.” 5 Dec. 2020,
    20. “Comparison of the Hyaluronic Acid Vaginal Cream and Conjugated ….”
    21. “Is vaginal hyaluronic acid effective in reducing symptoms of….” 17 Aug. 2022,
    22. “Is vaginal hyaluronic acid as effective as vaginal estriol for … – PubMed.”
    23. “Evaluation of the Efficacy and Safety of Hyaluronic Acid Vaginal Gel ….”
    24. “Effects of Wild Yam Root (Dioscorea villosa) Extract on the Gene ….” 3 Nov. 2021,
    25. “Bioassay-guided evaluation of Dioscorea villosa – an acute and ….” 28 Jul. 2013,
    26. “Estrogen activities and the cellular effects of natural … – PubMed.”
    27. “Effect of Intravaginal Prasterone on Sexual Dysfunction in … – PubMed.”
    28. “Effect of intravaginal dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) on the female ….”
    29. “Prescribing testosterone and DHEA: The role of androgens in women.” 1 Jan. 2021,
    30. “Effect of long-term topical application of dehydroepiandrosterone ….” 11 Jun. 2010,
    31. “Skin responses to topical dehydroepiandrosterone – PubMed.”
    32. “Effects of topical DHEA on aging skin: a pilot study – PubMed.” 20 Feb. 2008,
    33. “Diosgenin: Recent Highlights on Pharmacology and Analytical ….”
    34. “Efficacy of intravaginal dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA … – PubMed.”
    35. “Vaginal dehydroepiandrosterone compared to other methods … – NCBI.” 7 Jan. 2021,
    36. “Impact of vaginal dehydroepiandosterone (DHEA … – ASCO Journals.” 20 May. 2014,
    37. “Effect of topically applied evening primrose oil on epidermal barrier ….”
    38. “Systemic evening primrose oil improves the biophysical skin ….”
    39. “Evening Primrose (Oenothera biennis) Oil in Management of … – NCBI.”
    40. “Vitamin E in dermatology – PMC – NCBI.”
    41. “The role of vitamin E in normal and damaged skin – PubMed.”

1) “[PDF] Assessment of Rose Water and Evaluation of Antioxidant and ….” 20 Mar. 2019,

2) “Antioxidant and potential anti-inflammatory activity of extracts and ….” 13 Oct. 2011,

3) “Skin anti‐inflammatory activity of rose petal extract (Rosa gallica ….”

4) “Cocoa Bioactive Compounds: Significance and Potential for … – NCBI.”

5) “Cocoa polyphenols and their influence on parameters involved in ex ….”

6) “(PDF) Benefits of Theobroma cacao and Its Phytocompounds as ….” 1 Aug. 2022,

7) “Aloe Vera; A new treatment for atrophic vaginitis, A randomized ….” 24 Apr. 2021,

8) “Aloe Vera Gel Research Review | Natural Medicine Journal.” 16 Jan. 2014,

9) “The effects of Aloe Vera sap on progesterone, estrogen and ….”

10) “In vitro and in silico study of Aloe vera leaf extract against human ….”

11) “Aloe Vera: A Valuable Ingredient for the Food, Pharmaceutical and ….” 10 Aug. 2010,

12) “Evaluation of biological properties and clinical effectiveness of Aloe ….”

13) “In vitro anti-inflammatory and skin protective properties of Virgin ….” 17 Jan. 2018,

14) “Final report on the safety assessment of Cocos nucifera (coconut) oil ….”

15) “Treatment of Dermal Infections With Topical Coconut Oil.” 7 May. 2014,

16) “The effect of topical virgin coconut oil on SCORAD index ….” 10 Dec. 2013,

17) “Hyaluronic acid: A key molecule in skin aging – PMC – NCBI.”

18) “Hyaluronic Acid: A Valid Therapeutic Option for Early Management ….” 13 Aug. 2022,

19) “Hyaluronic Acid in Postmenopause Vaginal Atrophy – PubMed.” 5 Dec. 2020,

20) “Comparison of the Hyaluronic Acid Vaginal Cream and Conjugated ….”

21) “Is vaginal hyaluronic acid effective in reducing symptoms of….” 17 Aug. 2022,

22) “Is vaginal hyaluronic acid as effective as vaginal estriol for … – PubMed.”

23) “Evaluation of the Efficacy and Safety of Hyaluronic Acid Vaginal Gel ….”

24) “Effects of Wild Yam Root (Dioscorea villosa) Extract on the Gene ….” 3 Nov. 2021,

25) “Bioassay-guided evaluation of Dioscorea villosa – an acute and ….” 28 Jul. 2013,

26) “Estrogen activities and the cellular effects of natural … – PubMed.”

27) “Effect of Intravaginal Prasterone on Sexual Dysfunction in … – PubMed.”

28) “Effect of intravaginal dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) on the female ….”

29) “Prescribing testosterone and DHEA: The role of androgens in women.” 1 Jan. 2021,

30) “Effect of long-term topical application of dehydroepiandrosterone ….” 11 Jun. 2010,

31) “Skin responses to topical dehydroepiandrosterone – PubMed.”

32) “Effects of topical DHEA on aging skin: a pilot study – PubMed.” 20 Feb. 2008,

33) “Diosgenin: Recent Highlights on Pharmacology and Analytical ….”

34) “Efficacy of intravaginal dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA … – PubMed.”

35) “Vaginal dehydroepiandrosterone compared to other methods … – NCBI.” 7 Jan. 2021,

36) “Impact of vaginal dehydroepiandosterone (DHEA … – ASCO Journals.” 20 May. 2014, https://

37) “Effect of topically applied evening primrose oil on epidermal barrier ….”

38)”Systemic evening primrose oil improves the biophysical skin ….”

39)”Evening Primrose (Oenothera biennis) Oil in Management of … – NCBI.”

40) “Vitamin E in dermatology – PMC – NCBI.”

41) “The role of vitamin E in normal and damaged skin – PubMed.”