America’s #1 Pelvic Healer Says:

Get off the Panty Liners and Sleep Through the Night Peacefully…WITHOUT Hormones... Surgery... or Medication!

Tropical Discovery Ends Bladder Leakage, Urgency, and UTIs in Just 5 Days!

Finally! Reclaim TOTAL CONTROL Over Your Bladder!

Discover How Thousands of Women Are Taking Back Control of Their Bladders and Their Lives with This All-Natural Fix for “Aging Bladder Syndrome.”


If You Suffer From Bladder Problems Right Now, Here's What You Need to Know...

18 million women suffer from “Aging Bladder Syndrome” with weak and out-of-control bladders that won’t heal no matter how hard they try…

Unfortunately for me, I know their pain…

You see, after going through menopause at 41, I felt completely betrayed by my bladder... like I was longer in control…

My days were spent:

Smiling Lady

• Constantly looking for a bathroom in every social situation…

• Feeling extreme urgency due to the constant bladder pressure…

• Unable to do any physical activity without worrying about pee-leaks…

• And taking multiple antibiotics for my recurrent UTIs, leaving me feeling completely hopeless...

It wasn’t just inconvenient, it was humiliating.

I never thought I’d be in this position in my early 40s… Forever checking for the nearest restroom, carrying spare clothes and panty-liners with me wherever I went…

Now, if any of that sounds familiar to you, then I completely understand how you feel…

And I’m about to let you in on a secret — you don’t have to suffer in silence any longer!

And I’m about to let you in on a secret — you don’t have to suffer in silence any longer!

My Days Were Spent:

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Constantly worrying about getting “caught short” in any social situation…

Card image B

Feeling extreme discomfort due to the constant bladder pressure…

Card image C

Unable to do any physical activity without worrying about leakage…

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And taking multiple antibiotics for my recurrent UTIs, leaving me feeling completely exhausted

Tropical Discovery Ends Bladder Leakage, Irritation, Discomfort, and Heals UTIs In Just 5 Days!

So You Can Get off the Panty Liners and Sleep Through the Night Peacefully…WITHOUT Hormones, Surgery, Or Medication!

Finally! Reclaim TOTAL CONTROL Over Your Bladder!

Discover How 15,313 Women Are Taking Back Control Of Their Bladder And Their Life With This All-Natural Fix For Their “Aging Bladder Syndrome”


Do You Suffer From Bladder Problems? You’re Not Alone. Millions of Women Suffer From ABS (Aging Bladder Syndrome)

Did you know that over 18 million women suffer from “Aging Bladder Syndrome” with weak and out-of-control bladders that won’t heal no matter how hard they try…

Unfortunately for me, I know their pain…

You see, after going through menopause, at 41, I felt completely betrayed by my bladder – like I was longer in control of it…

My days were spent:

Smiling Lady
Card image A

Constantly worrying about getting “caught short” in any social situation…

Card image B

Feeling extreme discomfort due to the constant bladder pressure…

Card image C

Unable to do any physical activity without worrying about leakage…

Card image D

And taking multiple antibiotics for my recurrent UTIs, leaving me feeling completely exhausted

I never thought I’d be in this position in my early 40s…

Forever checking for the nearest restroom, carrying spare clothes and incontinence products with me wherever I go…

It wasn’t just inconvenient, it was humiliating.

Face of humiliation

Now, if any of that sounds familiar to you, then I completely understand how you feel…

And I’m about to let you in on a secret — you don’t have to suffer in silence any longer!

Because today, I’m revealing the all-natural solution that’s helped 15,313 women break free from being a prisoner to their weakened bladders and recurring UTIs…


Women like Nancie, who told us:

“My bladder took over my life, and I had constant pressure and could not sleep through the night without getting up to pee. I grew scared after taking several bouts of antibiotics because my urge got worse. After several months I reached out to Isa, and she helped me get my bladder control back. Now I can go out and play with my dog without looking for the bathroom. I can even make love without the dreaded burning!”


And Maria, who said:

“For years, my poor bladder control has been a nightmare and it would not let me sleep at night because of all the trips to go use the restroom. It’s finally over now! No more getting up at night-it feels great being free from pain caused by too frequent urination. I can finally stop wearing diapers and feel like a young person again

And even my client who asked to remain anonymous:

“I lived in shame over my leaking bladder and having to use adult diapers. I finally got my life back and I threw my diapers away in the garbage where they belong!

Now, as a post-menopausal woman, I’m sure you know what it’s like to feel marginalized by western medicine…

Doctors are quick to prescribe pills and suggest drastic measures like bladder slings, mesh surgery, or even hysterectomies just because you’re simply “old”.

And believe me, I understand your struggle…

Despite doctors prescribing Cipro and other pills to heal my weak bladder, I continued to live the “pantyliner lifestyle”, dependent on medication to make it through each day.

I was stuck in this cycle of constant pain and frustration, desperately searching for answers.

That is until I decided to take matters into my own hands…

But before I tell you how I naturally healed my Aging Bladder Syndrome, I should probably introduce myself…

I’m Isa Herrera, MSPT, CSCS, America’s #1 pelvic healer with over 15,000 successful cases.

And today, I’m sharing the secret to ending bladder weakness and recurrent UTIs without resorting to hormone creams or risky surgeries…

Woman with laptop

Isa Herrera, MSPT CSCS,
America's #1 Pelvic Healer

You see, the REAL reason why you haven’t been able to fix your frustrating bladder issues, is because of your Aging Bladder Syndrome

Bladder xray

Let me explain…

As our levels of estrogen decrease during menopause, our urethral and vaginal tissues can become thin and dry…

Making it easy for bacteria to enter the urinary tract and cause recurring infections…1

But that’s not all…

Because, the weakening of these muscles also makes it more difficult to empty the bladder completely, which allows even more bacteria to grow and multiply, further increasing the risk of UTIs…

So as you can see, it’s no wonder why millions of post-menopausal women are struggling with bladder weakness and recurring UTIs!

Not only that…

But these weaker muscles mean that your bladder can leak when it’s not strong enough to handle the pressure from laughing, coughing, or sneezing.

I know you know what I’m talking about…

On car rides… At work… Or if someone told a really funny joke…

I’d feel drips of pee leave my body, and desperately hope that no one could see it — or even worse, smell it…

Unfortunately for us women, this is an all too familiar situation.

The bad news is that the problems with Aging Bladder Syndrome don’t end there…

Because as your bladder becomes weaker over time due to bacteria damage and antibiotics, it struggles to hold even a small amount of urine — so your brain automatically triggers that “urge to go” feeling.

And if you have frequent bladder infections or UTIs (like I did) and were put on a lot of antibiotics, that can weaken your bladder even more.

Cause of UTI

But it’s not just the physical strain that you have to worry about…

The truth is, these issues leave us feeling embarrassed, ashamed, and frustrated.

It makes us feel inadequate, like a shell of the woman that we used to be…

Not to mention there’s also the cost of the problem…

The average woman wears anywhere between 2 to 8 disposable liners per day which cost an average of $50-$240 monthly — a huge expense in their lives!

When you’re dependent on these products every single day it can lead to all sorts of other problems “down there” like fragile skin or just the burning/itching from constantly wearing something against your lady parts.

So if you’re suffering from a weak, out-of-control bladder, I know how miserable it can be.

It affects your entire life — what you wear, where you go, your relationships…and frankly, it sucks!

Perhaps like me, you’ve even resorted to desperate measures to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, like:

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Practicing vaginal weightlifting using “ben wa balls”

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Using egg-shaped crystals (sometimes called “yoni eggs”)

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And even trying to control the muscles by practicing yoga and pilates poses…

But none of these remedies made any difference to my bladder problems, which just left me feeling even more frustrated and hopeless…

It can feel like you’re stuck with this problem forever, and it’s “just a normal part of aging”…

And maybe your doctors have even said those very words to you — I know mine did!

But I’m here to tell you that getting older does not mean that you have to live with the pain, discomfort, and embarrassment of Aging Bladder Syndrome!

No Matter How Hopeless You Feel Right Now, Your Bladder CAN Heal Naturally Without Antibiotics, Injections, Pills, or Sling/Mesh Surgeries!

You see, after decades spent suffering from my bladder issues, I decided to get more education and graduated with a master’s in physical therapy…

But my master’s did not provide me with the answers I needed to heal my bladder or my pelvic floor dysfunction.

And at this point, I was close to giving up…

Until I decided to take a deep dive into the world of urinary health and delve into alternative treatments for bladder health…

Sad woman getting consoled

At first, it was like trying to find Waldo…

Every “solution” I would find, would just tell me that I needed to do more pelvic floor exercises, cut back on acidic drinks or caffeine, or increase my water intake…

Like I hadn’t tried that already!

I thought that maybe this was just the way things were and I should learn to accept it…

That I was going to spend the rest of my years, hidden away, embarrassed, and in pain due to my weak bladder.

But I refused to give up!

So I took myself OFF what I had come to call the #DoctorRoadshow and started investing in my own education.

I studied with the top healers in the world; I shadowed every doctor in NYC to learn how to heal myself.

I put all the information together to open up my Renew Physical Therapy healing center in NYC, where I would personally help over 15,313 women (this is not a typo!) heal from bladder and pelvic floor dysfunction.

Many of the women I’ve treated have confided to me that they felt uncomfortable, embarrassed, and ashamed discussing their bladder problems with their MDs.

They felt their doctors were not LISTENING and were quick to give them a prescription for pills whose side effects were worse than the bladder issues they were suffering from.

Many of them found themselves suffering in silence, spending a ton of money on diapers and pantyliners…

Like my client Susan who told me:

“The worst part about my bladder problems is the social isolation and the constant worry about going out without knowing where the bathroom is.
Sometimes I will not go out with friends because I never know when I will have an embarrassing leaking episode. And although my diapers help, I feel like I smell of urine. My bladder problems are so embarrassing, and I am only 59. I am so grateful that I found Isa. She helped me get my bladder control back.”

After seeing the amazing results of my clients, I knew that I had to do everything in my power to help more women escape from their Aging Bladder Syndrome…

The thing that was clear to me was this:

The solutions out there were not teaching us how to heal, but rather how to “manage” our symptoms.

So I kept studying, testing, and researching…

And after years of trial and error, I discovered a unique combination of 4 specific ingredients that, when taken together, produced immediate and dramatic results…

Results that not only get rid of the tedious symptoms of Aging Bladder Syndrome but actually combats the root causes.

And the best news?

Fixing these issues doesn’t have anything to do with taking antibiotics, getting invasive mesh surgeries, or bladder injections.

For years I have used this combination of ingredients to help thousands of women turn back the aging clock on their bladders helping them to end the struggle with poor bladder control.

I’m so excited to share with you what I have discovered, and to help you on your journey towards total bladder health!

Let’s do this

Here are the four essential ingredients that you need to support your bladder health and start feeling the difference in just weeks:

Bladder Healer #1:

D-mannose has been studied for its ability to soothe and protect the urinary tract — and it helps keep your urinary tract in its healthiest state. When taken daily, it keeps your urinary tract strong, so it’s prepared for the worst and able to ward off trouble.

This naturally occurring substance is so incredibly powerful that it can actually prevent trouble-making organisms from sticking to the walls of the bladder.


In fact, one 2013 study compared the effectiveness of a daily dose of D-mannose and a common antibiotic used to prevent UTI recurrence…

And after 6 months, the researchers found that D-mannose was as effective as the antibiotic at preventing UTI recurrence…2

Plus, unsurprisingly, it was associated with fewer side effects!

And the research doesn’t end there, because according to another study, “When excreted in the urine, D-mannose inhibits Ecoli, the main causative organism of UTIs, from attaching to urothelium and causing infection.”3

Just imagine what this would mean for you…

Knowing that every time you go to the toilet, you’d be effectively “flushing out” the UTI-causing bacteria, and stopping them from taking hold in your weakened urinary system!

Once I found this amazing ingredient, it fuelled me to keep going and research even more natural ingredients that could help reverse bladder aging and help my clients get their confidence, and their lives back…

So of course, I had to turn to the classic “bladder-helper” ingredient:

Bladder Healer #2:
Cranberry Powder (Vaccinium macrocarpon)

Vaccinium Macrocarpon

Remember when your grandma used to tell you to drink cranberry juice for a bladder infection? Well, there’s a good reason for that! The compounds in cranberries are amazing for supporting your body’s defense system against pathogens — and destroying those sneaky microbes that can cause problems for your bladder.

You see, cranberries, when they’re powdered and concentrated, are strong enough to prevent bad bacteria from invading the lining of your bladder — and that’s why there are few ingredients more iconic for the bladder than cranberry!

Because a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study (aka the gold standard of testing) investigated the effects of dried cranberries on overactive bladder symptoms in women…

And to their surprise, researchers found that:

Daily intake of dried cranberry powder reduced daily urination by over 16%, urgency episodes by over 57%, and patient perception of bladder condition by over 39%!4

And so I knew that cranberry powder had to be included in my special protocol for bladder health.

Yet again, this spurred me on, excited with my newfound knowledge, and it led me to…

Bladder Healer #3:
Hibiscus Flower Extract (Hibiscus sabdariffa)

Hibiscus flowers aren’t just gorgeous — these powerhouses have been used medicinally for centuries to support the urinary tract!

Hibiscus is a strong antibacterial and antifungal agent that can work wonders for women dealing with bladder issues. A daily dose of hibiscus is one of the best ways to make sure you protect your bladder from complications — because they create a healthy environment in the bladder that keeps everything running the way it should.

But that’s not all it does…

Hibiscus Sabdariffa

Because a recent clinical study showed that not only did it reduce the incidence of UTI, but it also reduced kidney inflammation!

Now, I’m sure you know the symptoms of kidney inflammation well…

The blood in your urine, the burning sensation, the pain in your lower back…

All of that is reduced with the help of Hibiscus flowers!

Leading me on to the final bladder-booster I could find…

Bladder Healer #4:
Uva Ursi Leaf (Arctostaphylos Uva-Ursi)

Arctostaphylos Uva-Ursi

The leaves of the bearberry bush, also known as uva ursi, are miracle workers for bladder health. Uva ursi is filled with active chemical compounds that once again knock out trouble in the bladder before it even starts…

A 2017 study even found that “Uva-Ursi preparations prevented the increase in pH” that comes from Staphylococcus saprophyticus, one of the most common causes of urinary tract infections.

This increased PH gives us that burning feeling when going to the toilet, but also kills off the “friendly” bacteria lining our urinary system, allowing the infection to take even more of a hold on our weakened system!

Can you imagine my excitement when I combined all 4 of these incredible ingredients?

These bladder-boosting superstars are essential for any woman looking to restore the health of her bladder.

When taken together, in my unique formula, they’re the perfect way to help prevent the urgency, burning, and discomfort associated with Aging Bladder Syndrome!

And while they work hand-in-hand to create a powerful combination, each ingredient brings its own unique healing properties to the mix.

I felt like I’d hit the jackpot…

And the results I was having with my patients were beyond anything I could have ever imagined!

It felt like a miracle.

But there was one problem…

I was getting my patients to take these ingredients separately…

Often they were having to take up to 8 pills per day, every day in order to find relief…

Plus, we kept running into issues with these ingredients being out of stock, raising their prices, or changing their formulas.

I knew I had to do something about this…

Because I had cracked the code on how to heal Aging Bladder Syndrome — and I wanted to share it with women all over the world.

formula prepared

So I thought – why not put all 4 of these ingredients into ONE formula?

I knew that I needed to formulate a specific super high-quality, all-in-one bladder support supplement WITHOUT fillers and other nasty ingredients that could irritate the bladder lining and cause yet more problems.

I wanted to create a specially-formulated supplement to help women have happier bladders, less discomfort, fewer leaks, and less urge to go.

I want all women to have a healthy bladder as they age and go through perimenopause, menopause, and other life changes.

As women, it is our birthright to feel joy, connection, and love in every moment of everyday life, and I know that a happy bladder equals a happy woman.

So I made it my mission, and got to work testing and perfecting the best combinations of ingredients for healing Aging Bladder Syndrome…

And then found a reputable lab and formulator that would work with me to make it happen…

I believe that every woman should be supplemented with an effective bladder formula as they age, and I’m proud to say that I have created the best bladder health supplement specifically designed for post-menopausal women…


Introducing. . .

Ultimate Bladder Health

Total Fem Ultimate Bladder Health

Finally! An Innovative, Proprietary Blend of Natural Ingredients To Help You Take Control of Your Bladder For Good!

Ultimate Bladder Health Bottles
Ultimate Bladder Health Bottles mobile
Ultimate Bladder Health Lady

The Total Fem Ultimate Bladder Support is specifically formulated for a woman’s body.

It is the perfect blend of four clinically and research-based ingredients that work together to improve bladder control and reduce the signs of aging.

The Total Fem Ultimate Bladder Support also helps support a healthy urinary tract and strengthens your bladder muscles so you can feel confident going about daily activities once again!

I’ve used these ingredients separately for years, and so have the thousands of women who’ve entered the doors of my Madison Avenue healing center Renew Physical Therapy.

When these ingredients are combined in the perfect dosage, it becomes a powerhouse of healing that helps women make bladder problems and leaking a thing of the past.

Happy couple

The Ultimate In Bladder Health

Supplements are a quick and easy way to get in those bladder lovin’ ingredients every day and maintain the health of your urinary tract, which is why I’ve included all of these superstar ingredients in my Ultimate Bladder Health formula.

This blend combines the most powerful and reliable natural ingredients available to help support your body in keeping your bladder and urinary tract healthy.

Total Fem Ultimate Bladder Health – Created by a Woman for Women

Leaking, frequent bathroom breaks, and pain, when you urinate, are the all-too-familiar feelings of a bladder and urinary tract that aren’t feeling their best. But sometimes, the symptoms are more subtle…

So what can you do when you feel those tell-tale signs creeping up on you? And what can you do to stop UTIs from showing up in the first place?

Take Total Fem Ultimate Bladder Health for its many properties…

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Promotes urinary tract health

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Proven ingredients

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Pure and plant-based

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Potent formula

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Premium quality

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Powerful blend

Total Fem Ultimate Bladder Support Contains the Top Four Researched-Based Ingredients for Bladder Health

Inside each bottle of Total Fem Ultimate Bladder Support, you’ll find the perfect blend of four researched-based ingredients that have been clinically proven to improve bladder health:



To flush any bacteria that may be present and strengthen the lining of your urinary tract.

Cranberry Extract

Cranberry Extract

To keep bacteria from sticking to the walls of your urinary tract, which helps prevent UTIs.

Hibiscus Flower

Hibiscus Flower

To support a healthy, strong urinary tract and reduce the risk of kidney inflammation.

Uva Ursi

Uva Ursi

To help to reduce the risk of Staph infections.

Just imagine:

NO MORE urgency, NO MORE bladder pain, NO MORE leaking, or nighttime bathroom trips.

Just your newfound confidence in your bladder control!

You’ll Love The Results You’ll Get With Total Fem Ultimate Bladder Health. . . It’s like a 20-Year-Old Bladder in an Older Body!

More Results Our Users Report Experiencing:

  • Better bladder control
  • Less leaking accidents
  • Less burning
  • Less pain with urination
  • Less frequent bathroom trips
  • Stronger pelvic floor muscles and better Kegel exercises
  • Less urge (the need to pee)
  • Better sleep
  • Better quality of life within the first few weeks.
  • Less bladder soreness
  • Less diapers and pantyliners
  • More confidence

Imagine the Possibilities

Quit feeling embarrassed
X-mark 1

Quit feeling embarrassed in front of strangers, co-workers, and friends. Finally, feel free to go to the movies, and restaurants and hang out with girlfriends without thinking about the bathroom

Say goodbye to frequent bathroom trips
X-mark 2

Say goodbye to frequent bathroom trips and sleep through the night.

Say goodbye to all the inconveniences
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Say goodbye to all the inconveniences of bulky diapers and pantyliners.

No bathroom breaks at meetings!
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Impress the boss with no bathroom breaks at meetings!

Feel confident in the bedroom
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Feel confident in the bedroom and experience better intimacy. Get ready to say goodbye to the burning once and for all. Experience a deeper connection with your partner

Finally, wear whatever you want
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Finally, wear whatever you want, including skinny jeans, white dresses, and tight skirts. Play with your grandkids or kids without having to worry about pee leaks and pain.

Rootganic Supplements Are Researched and Science-Based, With the Highest-Quality Ingredients, Highest Standards of Testing…

Group of scientist

So why should you order Total Fem Ultimate Bladder Support as opposed to any of the other supplements out there?

Well, I can tell you that we believe you deserve products that are free of chemicals and harmful additives, which is why we created the Rootganic Truth Process which ensures you get top-quality supplements that are research-based.

We test ALL ingredients before, during, and after manufacturing, giving you the best and highest quality supplement on the market today!

I can also tell you how important the QUALITY of ingredients is to us – which I’ll explain more about in a moment.

But really, what it comes down to is: I have decades of experience healing thousands of women from bladder issues. I went through the same struggles myself.

This is just another part of my greater mission: to help ALL women heal from bladder issues, take back their power, and become the QUEENS that they truly are.

Happy woman holding bottle of supplements

Women need to be able to trust the supplements they’re putting into their bodies and not have to spend countless hours trying to research and make sure their supplements are high quality and reliable.

For years I recommended dozens and dozens of supplements to my community of women and came to the dreadful realization that almost all of these supplements fell short in one or more areas and just didn’t do what they promised.

I got frustrated with the lack of research and information these supplement companies would provide.

So, I knew I would just have to do it myself, using my decades of experience and knowledge of what really works for women (let’s face it, the dudes running many of the supplement companies just don’t get it – or care).

The Ugly Side Of The Supplement Industry…

The supplement industry doesn’t have very many checks and balances. Many of them make wild claims about their products that mislead women into buying them with their “good marketing.” Additionally, many supplements contain fillers, are laden with pesticides, and contain GMO products, and they don’t even label that on their bottles. YIKES!

Worse than that, most of the supplements across the industry don’t go through a rigorous testing process, so, in the end, you can’t even be sure whether the supplement contains the RIGHT amounts of the RIGHT ingredients even to be effective at all.

laboratory equipment

As the founder of Rootganic,

I set out to create the highest quality female-oriented supplements anywhere… the ones that were completely “missing in action” when I needed them.

Isa Herrera, founder of Rootganic

At Rootganic, we believe in research-backed supplements sourced responsibly and without added chemicals or toxins.

Researchers in Rootganic

We believe in transparency and that’s what we give all of our customers.

Now more than ever before and especially during this time of crisis, we as women have to elevate our health and be the most vibrant healthiest versions of ourselves.

One of the very BEST ways to do that is through supplementation, but you have to be 100% confident in the supplements and the company that makes them.

It’s the only way to be sure your supplements are going to do what they claim they can do.

That’s why we searched high and low for the very best quality ingredients for Total Fem Ultimate Bladder Support.

Our proprietary formula has not one, not two, but four extraordinary ingredients that have helped thousands of women heal their bladder problems.

You can rest assured that Total Fem Ultimate Bladder Support and all our other Rootganic supplements are tested every single step of the way to make sure they work and have the highest possible standard.

Total Fem Ultimate Bladder Health Is Quality Assured, non-GMO & Bladder Friendly!

Our GMP Certified Lab makes sure that the Total Fem Ultimate Bladder Support is made with top-quality ingredients that are gluten-free and soy protein-free… with ZERO artificial sweeteners or fillers that can irritate our insides.

Following GMP practices we ensure that Total Fem Ultimate Bladder Support is free from contamination, that it is consistent in its manufacture, that its manufacture has been well documented, that all personnel is well trained, and that the product has been checked for quality before, during, and after manufacture.

Good manufacturing practice

And the best part?

Total Fem Ultimate Bladder Health Is Available At A Price Anyone Can Afford!

Ultimate Bladder Health

I’m going to be honest with you…

Before I discovered the synergistic blend of these four bladder-soothing ingredients, I would’ve paid anything to end the inconvenience of my weak bladder…

Not only to save myself from the embarrassment of having to deal with the frequent bathroom trips…

But also because I was tired of the recurrent UTIs that kept me up at night in agonizing pain.

More than that, I had to shoulder the huge

monetary cost of antibiotics, disposable pantyliners, and doctor’s visits.

I knew that finding a fix for my bladder issues would actually save me money in the long run!

So if you said I could fix my issue for $1000, I would have jumped at the chance!

But it goes without saying that not everyone can afford $1000…

And you shouldn’t have to either!

You deserve to live your life without constantly being on the lookout for the nearest toilet…

You deserve to live your life without the pain of recurring UTIs…

And you certainly don’t deserve to take out a loan just so you can pay for bladder care…

Which is why we’ve done everything possible to produce Total Fem Ultimate Bladder Health at a price anyone can afford…

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We made sure to cut out any “middle-men” like Amazon, who would charge fees and make us raise our prices as a result…

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We spoke to our ingredient suppliers and negotiated the best deals possible (without sacrificing quality), and…

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We only sell online to ensure we don’t have any extra overheads that would force us to charge more…

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Plus, because we combine these four amazing bladder-soothing ingredients into one, easy-to-take capsule, you don’t have to buy separate bottles of supplements!

3 bottle offer

So how much will you have to pay to relieve your bladder discomfort with Total Fem Ultimate Bladder Health?

Not $1000…

Not $500… $250… or even $100…

You can get a single bottle of the Total Fem Ultimate Bladder Health for just $39.99 on this page!

Before you place your order, let me sweeten the deal for you. See, I can tell you from my own experience…

And the experience of the thousands of women who have finally resolved their post-menopausal bladder problems once and for all…

Old couple on beach

That the best results are almost always experienced by those who use Total Fem Ultimate Bladder Health for at least a couple of months.

The reason why is that it takes time for these healing ingredients to line your urinary tract…

Remember: your bladder and pelvic muscles have been weakened due to your estrogen levels dropping during menopause…

And this in turn has left your urinary tract unable to fight off harmful, infection-causing bacteria such as E.Coli and other urinary pathogens.

But, when you give your body the nutrients to neutralize these bacteria, you can finally put an end to your bladder issues.

Sure, a one-month supply will give you temporary relief, when you get yet another UTI…

But for long-lasting prevention, we always recommend taking our proprietary blend for at least 3 months for the best results possible…

Which is why we’re going to make it easy for you to say “yes” to a larger supply today.

• If you choose a 2-month supply, you’ll save $28.96

• If you choose a 3-month supply, you'll save $55.44

Ultimate bladder health

In other words, you can order a 3-month supply today, and pay just $39.99 per bottle!

We'll even throw in free shipping when you purchase a 2 or 3-month supply, so you won’t pay anything extra!

So now’s the time…

1 Bottle Item Kit


2 Bottles Item Kit


3 Bottles Item Kit


Ditch The Constant Pain and Discomfort Of A Weak Bladder And Finally, Enjoy UTI Relief With Total Fem Ultimate Bladder Health by Selecting Your Package Now


And in case you were wondering…

Your Order Today is Totally Risk-Free!

Rootganic Slogan

At Rootganic we believe in the quality of our products, which is why we offer a Risk-Free 60-Day Return & Refund Policy.

Which means if you don’t start to see improvements or results in your life…

If you don’t feel that you’re regaining control over bladder function…

If your constant trips to the bathroom aren’t reduced…

Or if your recurrent UTIs don’t go away for good…

You can simply send the bottles back to us and get a full refund — no questions asked!

That’s right!

Simply reach out to our friendly Customer Care Center – and as soon as your order arrives back with us, they’ll return your money!

Bottom line?


You aren’t risking a single cent by trying out the Total Fem Ultimate Bladder Health today.

If it doesn’t work for you…

Or if your results are only so-so…

Or if you’re unhappy with your purchase for ANY REASON AT ALL…

Then we will happily refund your money…

No strings attached — No questions asked.

1 Bottle Item Kit


2 Bottles Item Kit


3 Bottles Item Kit


Take the first step to relieving the discomfort associated with a weak bladder, say goodbye to recurrent UTIs, and start living life without fear of uncontrollable leakage!

Use code BLADDER10 to Save 10% More


PLUS — When you Order Today You’ll Receive The Bladder Fitness Toolkit Bonuses Worth $516

value 29

The Perfect Kegel Checklist Guide

Kegel exercises keep our lady parts strong, powerful, and young. Finally, get them right with this easy-to-read guide.

value 197

Track Your Bladder Diary PDF & Video Training

A picture paints a thousand words, and our bladder diary will help to keep your bladder in check and improve its health.

value 290

Free Membership to Rootganic Private Community

We are not meant to heal alone. Our Rootganic community is there to support our members.

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

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  • What makes Total Fem Ultimate Bladder Health effective for bladder problems?

    Our proprietary blend includes D-Mannose, Cranberry Powder (Vaccinium macrocarpon), Hibiscus Flower Extract (Hibiscus sabdariffa), Uva Ursi Leaf (Arctostaphylos Uva-Ursi) work in harmony with your bladder - relieving urgency, strengthening and healing the bladder and urinary tract from the inside out. Each daily dose of Total Fem Ultimate Bladder Control contains the same – so you can experience the best results.

    Women who consistently take our bladder supplement regularly experience the benefits of holistic urinary health. Total Fem Ultimate Bladder Support has ingredients that have been used for years by women who seek relief, freedom, and peace of mind where it matters most - your bladder.

  • What symptoms does Total Fem Ultimate Bladder Health help to heal?

    Total Fem Ultimate Bladder Health ensures you can get up and go when you want comfortably without bladder worries - this is the key to our supplement and that's why Rootganic has developed Total Fem Ultimate Bladder HealthFormula. Our potent and correct dosage formula contains natural ingredients traditionally used medicinally to help balance bladder tone and heal the bladder from the inside out.

    Think about it this way: without good control over your bladder, life becomes inhibited—whether that means having trouble driving or being unable to head out on an impromptu date. And for many women, incontinence ( leaking) worsens with age, making it more of an issue come later years. Whatever your situation, Total Fem Ultimate Bladder Health - supports a healthy bladder so get what every woman hopes for - Total control over your bladder.

  • What kind of results can I expect?

    Some of the wonderful effects (results) that our customers have reported as a result of taking Total Fem Ultimate Bladder Support include:

    • Better bladder control,
    • Less leaking accidents
    • Less burning
    • Less pain with urination
    • Less frequent bathroom trips
    • Faster growing nails and stronger nails
    • Stronger pelvic floor muscles and Better kegel exercises
    • Less urge ( the need to pee)
    • Better sleep
    • Better quality of life within the first few weeks.
    • Less bladder soreness
    • Fewer diapers and pantyliners
    • More confidence

    With that said, with any supplement, every woman’s body is different and can react differently. We recommend that you consult your healthcare practitioner before taking any new supplement.

  • Is Total Fem Ultimate Bladder Health safe? Are there any side effects?

    Total Fem Ultimate Bladder Health is an all-natural product with well-researched natural ingredients that show women using have no side effects. However, if you are taking medication or have any type of health condition, it is important to check with your healthcare practitioner before taking our supplements or any other supplement on the market.

  • Will you share my name or email address with anyone?

    We will never share your private information with anyone. Your privacy is something that we fiercely protect, and it's important to us! We never have, nor do we ever plan on selling or giving away any of your personal details like names or email addresses because this is as much about you as it would be if someone were asking for my own child; they deserve the same care in return- which means having immediate access into an exclusive community where togetherness rules supreme (pun most certainly intended).

    In my exclusive Rootganic community, there are many members who feel exactly how I do: passionate enough not just to view Rootaganic merely from afar but embrace every opportunity available to be part of our exclusive community.

    We pride ourselves on customer service and care for you like a family member. With that said, rest assured that your private details are safe with us and that you will get the additional support you need as you go through your healing journey.

  • What will I see appear on my credit card statement?

    Credit card charges will appear on your statement as “Rootganic.”

  • How do you ship my Total Fem Ultimate Bladder Health supplement?

    Your Total Fem Ultimate Bladder Support supplement is shipped in a discreet package with a shipping label from “Rootganic”

    Orders shipped within the continental US typically take 3-10 days to arrive, depending on the shipping option you choose and your location it could take a few more days. 

    Orders of $100 or more automatically receive FREE shipping! (US Domestic customers only)

  • How will Total Fem Ultimate Bladder Health improve my life?

    Join the ranks of women everywhere who are #winning at life by living without urine leaks with our proprietary blend!* It's been proven to improve bladder tone and performance for anyone dealing with any type or frequency, whether you're a kid just starting out in potty training all over again - or an old pro like me ?

    We've got something here that will help women from long-time sufferers URGENTLY needing to go every few minutes due to stress/activity or for women who simply want better bladder health and control so that they can enjoy going out with friends and never worry about where the bathroom is. For women who get bladder problems with intimacy, get ready to feel reconnected with your partner without the worries of leaking or burning.*

  • Do you guarantee your product?

    Absolutely! Your purchase is backed by an industry-leading 60-Day-No-Risk Money-Back Guarantee, so you have nothing to lose. Try our products for 60 days, and if they don't work, return the unused portion in the original container.

    As long as it's been less than 60 days from when it arrived at your home or office address - we'll refund 100% of the product.

  • How long does it take to work?

    Based on clinical research, results can be expected after 1 to 4 weeks of consistent use with the best effects at two months. When experiencing a bladder flare, we recommend you increase the frequency.

  • Hey Isa where did you get your research information from?

    "An introduction to the epidemiology and burden of urinary tract ...." 2 May. 2019,

    "Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections Management in Women - NCBI."

    "Women with symptoms of a urinary tract infection but a negative ...." 27 Apr. 2017,

    "D-mannose powder for prophylaxis of recurrent urinary tract ...." 30 Apr. 2013,

    "D-mannose: a promising support for acute urinary tract infections in ...."

    "Oral D-mannose in recurrent urinary tract infections in women."

    "How to Handle a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) and Promote a Healthy ...."

    "Cranberries and lower urinary tract infection prevention - NCBI."

    "Cranberry Reduces the Risk of Urinary ... - Oxford Academic Journals."

    "Cranberries for preventing urinary tract infections - PubMed." 23 Jan. 2008,

    "Antimicrobial activity of Hibiscus sabdariffa extract against ...." 28 Aug. 2014,

    "Exploring the effect and mechanism of Hibiscus sabdariffa on ...." 24 Dec. 2016,

    "Effectiveness of D-mannose, Hibiscus sabdariffa and Lactobacillus ...."

    "10 Home Remedies for a UTI - Ben's Natural Health."

    "Limited effectiveness of over-the-counter plant preparations used for ...."

    "Risk assessment of free hydroquinone derived from Arctostaphylos ...."

When you Purchase Our Products You Help Put A Girl Through School By Helping To Support “She’s The First” Charity

Group photo

We’re proud to partner with some very special organizations doing important work. When you purchase any Rootganic product, you’ll be helping us support She’s the First, an award-winning international non-profit organization that provides scholarships to girls in low-income countries around the world, supporting them as they become the first in their families to graduate from high school. Since I was the first in my family to graduate high school (and college), this cause is very near and dear to my heart. 100% of the money donated to She’s the First reaches the recipient.

1 Bottle Item Kit


2 Bottles Item Kit


3 Bottles Item Kit


This is it. Your last chance to enjoy lasting relief from your post-menopausal bladder discomfort.
Select the package that’s right for you now!

Use code BLADDER10 to save 10% more


References and Research:

“An introduction to the epidemiology and burden of urinary tract ….” 2 May. 2019,

“Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections Management in Women – NCBI.”

“Women with symptoms of a urinary tract infection but a negative ….” 27 Apr. 2017,

“D-mannose powder for prophylaxis of recurrent urinary tract ….” 30 Apr. 2013,

“D-mannose: a promising support for acute urinary tract infections in ….”

“Oral D-mannose in recurrent urinary tract infections in women.”

“How to Handle a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) and Promote a Healthy ….”

“Cranberries and lower urinary tract infection prevention – NCBI.”

“Cranberry Reduces the Risk of Urinary … – Oxford Academic Journals.”

“Cranberries for preventing urinary tract infections – PubMed.” 23 Jan. 2008,

“Antimicrobial activity of Hibiscus sabdariffa extract against ….” 28 Aug. 2014,

“Exploring the effect and mechanism of Hibiscus sabdariffa on ….” 24 Dec. 2016,

“Effectiveness of D-mannose, Hibiscus sabdariffa and Lactobacillus ….”

“10 Home Remedies for a UTI – Ben’s Natural Health.”

“Limited effectiveness of over-the-counter plant preparations used for ….”

“Risk assessment of free hydroquinone derived from Arctostaphylos ….”